Why are we a sustainable accommodation?
One of the most important values for us is the environmental sustainability. Since the first moment when we started this project, we knew that we anted to do it in a respectful way to the environment.
We have compiled the principal actions that we made to take care of our planet.
Our ecofriendly hostel
Renewable energy
The energy efficiency is the key to save energetic resources. The house, in the rehabilitation, was isolated properly to reduce energy consumption.
For the heaten and to warm the water we use biomass, a renewable energy production with less emisions because of the type of combustion.
Another important point is that we have photovoltaic panels with which we produce most of the energy we consume, as well as sensors and timers to avoid turning lights on if they are not needed.

saving and care of the water
Water is a fundamental element for the life in our planet, but it is scarce in several places. In addition, rivers, lakes and seas are being increasingly contaminated, and the consequences of this are dramatic for the marine ecosystems, and the rest of the planet life.
For the laundry, we only use biodegradable products. We don’t use softener for the clothes, because the water alkalinity in our zone is really low, so we don’t generate more plastic waste.
Furthermore, all the water taps have aerator filters to reduce water consumption.
natural and ecological cleaning
We only use ecological and biodegradable products on the cleaning.
We don’t use any chemichal product on our garden neither. We reuse some organical waste to fertilize the garden.
The dishwasher powder is ecological too.

sustainable consumables
In our daily work, we must have some stuff available for our guests.
The kitchen paper, toilet paper and tissues for dry the hands, all these products are recycled.
ecological furniture
Our furniture is made by ecological wood of national manufacturing.
Wood is the element of the hostel, stairs, tables, chairs, foolr, doors. Furthermore its warmth, is the most natural material that we could use.
For the exterior, we built by ourselves a sofa and a table with old palets, to reuse this wood and create a space for chill in the garden.

recycling waste
About the waste treatment, in our hostel we recycle all that can be recycled. But in this point, it’s very important the colaboration of our guests in the momment of the separation of the different materials in the correct bucket.